The Catholic Company Lauches New Company Tagline: "Because Faith Matters" - The Catholic Company®
Catholic Company / Magazine

The Catholic Company Lauches New Company Tagline: "Because Faith Matters"

Nov 24, 2014 by

The Catholic Company LogoThis Advent season we at The Catholic Company are happy to unveil our new company tagline!

When thinking about what our new tagline should be, we wanted to capture both what is important and valuable to our customers, and what motivates us as a business to provide goods and services for our customers.

Ultimately, we and our customers have a strong core bond, a shared faith, that unites us in a deeper way than typical business-to-consumer relationships. Our customers buy from us for one primary reason: because they want to connect with and share their faith, and help their loved ones do the same. Likewise, there is one primary reason why we exist as a company: to help connect people with and educate them about the devotional items that belong to their Catholic faith and heritage.

Why do you buy religious gifts? Why do we sell them? The answer is easy: Because Faith Matters!

Faith matters to the Church, whose sole purpose for existence is to cultivate faith in the hearts of its members and lead them to heaven. Faith matters to society, made vibrant by the witness of strong Christians. Faith matters to the culture, which desperately needs shining examples of Christian virtue. Faith matters to families, to help them to stay strongly united to each other and rooted in love for God. Faith matters to individuals as they strive for deeper conversion to Jesus Christ and his Church.

Here at The Catholic Company, we're all pretty excited about our new company tagline because it captures our mission so well, and it's giving us extra motivation to keep working hard at providing excellent religious products and services to our customers. It's not just a job to us, it's our passion. Because Faith Matters!


"The new tagline is beautiful in its simplicity. The passion behind our products, our work, and our service to our customers comes from our Faith. Because our Faith matters to our staff, our vendors, and our customers - we exist as company." - Nicholas Rabiipour, Business Analyst

"As an employee of a Catholic Company I am blessed to provide our customers with faith-based products and goods. Our whole purpose is to help people get to heaven. Faith matters to all of us here, and to reiterate that mission in our tagline is a great way to remind our customers of why we are here." - Jessica Pankus, Marketing Operations Manager

"Why do people choose to give a Catholic gift over the latest widget?  Because faith matters.  Faith matters to the gift giver, the gift recipient, or in the best circumstance to both.  Faith matters to us as a Catholic organization and faith matters to our customers.  I believe our customers choose, The Catholic Company, because faith matters." - Nicholas Cole, V.P. of Marketing

"From prayer cards and books to elaborate rosaries, all of these items have one thing in common- they were chosen to help someone grow in their own faith or to share it.  Medals, scapulars, rosaries, and other devotionals are authentic Catholic goods designed to strengthen the faithful and we carry them because the faith matters. It is such a blessing to have a new item come across your desk and know that it has the power to impact a person’s spiritual life." - Laura Jean Rabiipour, Merchandising Manager

"The Catholic Faith is very important to me.  It is integral to my life.  After working in corporate America for so many years, I knew I needed to do something a bit more meaningful for me.  And for me,  'Because Faith Matters," really sums it up." - Helen Fountain, V.P. Merchandising

"Working for a Catholic Company in the Customer Care Department I am blessed to help customers on a daily basis to find products that will strengthen their faith. Faith gives us the strength to live each day knowing we have a loving God who does miracles with us and through us." - Lisa Dietz, Customer Care Supervisor

"'Because Faith Matters', to me could be the answer to so many questions. Why work at a Catholic company? Why seek out resources that help me grow in my knowledge of Catholicism? Why purchase gifts for others that are religious based? Why strive to keep the Sacramental life central to my family life? Why? Because Faith Matters! - Will Coffey, Director of Customer Care

"Because Faith Matters allows me to be a better person and provide a level of compassionate service, friendship, fellowship to anyone I encounter. Because Faith Matters helps me to feel good about why I am here today and living the life I'm living. Because Faith Matters motivates me to share my faith with others to encourage them to take on a similar path for hopefully being rewarded with eternal salvation someday. This is why I love our new tagline. It really is who I am and what we as a company are and want to be. It describes why we are different than many of the other religious goods shops. And it does so concisely in only 3 words." - Karen Saum, Director of Sales

What do you think of our new tagline? Please comment below and share your thoughts!
