This Year's Top Catholic Gift Ideas - The Catholic Company®
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This Year's Top Catholic Gift Ideas

Dec 09, 2020 by

Finding faith-inspired gifts that are fresh, creative, and practical can be a difficult task. 

We're here to help! Here are our top Catholic gift ideas for everyone on your list.

Our Catholic Gift Guide for 2020

For the Outdoorsy Adventurer:

"She left her phone inside again while she was out in the garden." 

"He didn't have signal—he was out camping." 

"They'll be back later; they went for their daily run." 

If any of these phrases describe someone you know, they probably have a special love for the outdoors and would appreciate a gift that matches that love.

Buy them a tough, durable corded rosary, a "campfire" style mug, a water bottle, or a motivational saint t-shirt.

St. Christopher Brown Brave Beads Tenner Rosary

Personalized "YOU" Campfire Mugs

Personalized Miraculous Medal Water Bottle

Be Not Afraid John Paul II T-Shirt

For the Gracious Host:

We're all grateful for our friends and family who so readily jump into the role of host or hostess. 

Give them a heartwarming "thank you" in the form of a book or item that will enhance their abilities even more. 

A personalized cutting board, a saint quote towel, a Catholic cookbook, or a reflective coffee table book will make you their favorite guest from now on!

Love Begins at Home Cutting Board

Mother Teresa Small Things Dish Towel

The Vatican Cookbook & Apron Gift Set

Theology Of Home - Finding the Eternal in the Everyday

For the Homebody:

We already have the "Adventurers" covered, but what about those who love being home and appreciating its goodness? 

The homebodies can have as much faith-filled fun as the rest of us—just supply them with a Catholic candle, a reflective coloring book, a religious art puzzle, or an inspiring Catholic movie they can enjoy right from their living room. 

Faith Hope and Love Christmas Candle

The Mysteries of the Rosary Coloring Book

Sistine Madonna 1000 Piece Puzzle

Fatima (2020 release DVD)

For the "Always Cold" Person:

We all have one: that friend or family member who is always freezing no matter how many blankets or heaters there are in the room. 

Help them out by gifting them cozy Catholic socks, sweatshirts, long sleeve t-shirts, or a mug that they can refill with hot chocolate as many times as they want!

St. Joseph Adult Socks

Collegiate Catholic Grey Crew Sweatshirt

PrayStrong World Watercolor Long Sleeve T-shirt

Mother Teresa "Let Us Begin" Mug

For the Writer:

Give that family member or friend who has a way with words every opportunity to put that skill to good use!

A journaling bible, a tear-away notepad with a saint quote, gorgeous classic art Catholic stationary, or a personalized journal will be sure to inspire them on the spot. 

Catholic Notetaking/Journaling Bible (NABRE)

Mother Teresa Note Pad

Classic Art Madonna & Child Note Cards - Set of 12

Personalized Vidal Madonna and Child Journal

For the Student:

The key here is small signs of faith: signs that they can slip into their backpack or keep on a crowded shelf in their dorm room. 

A weekly planner with a bible verse, an encouraging coffee tumbler, a mini Saint or Marian statue, or a sturdy macrame bracelet are thoughtful gifts for a student in high school or college.

God is My Strength Strength Weekly Agenda Pad

Personalized Good Morning From God Travel Mug

Medal of St. Benedict Black Bracelet

Mary Undoer of Knots Figurine

For the Athlete:

Athletes need both physical and spiritual endurance.

Give them a sporty Catholic hat, water bottle, rosary, or saint metal to keep them covered!

Got Spirit? Ball Cap

Keep Calm and PrayStrong Red Vacuum Water Bottle

Baseball Rosary

Sterling Silver St. Sebastian Medal with 20 inch chain

Like what you see? Shop our  Top 100 Catholic Gifts category to find these items and more faith-inspired items for kids, teens, men and women of all ages!
