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Your Free Guide to Keeping Spiritual Resolutions Latest

Your Free Guide to Keeping Spiritual Resolutions

Jan 15, 2021 by

We are about fifteen days into the new year, and—if you are like me—you are already finding it hard to stick with your resolutions.  

Perhaps these resolutions were unrealistic to begin with. Perhaps there is something deeper that needs addressing before any long established habits can be altered.  

The truth is, there is a lot we can do to boost our spiritual lives—and often that is where we can begin to make progress in all of the other areas of our life.  

Let's face it: most of us can use a boost in our spiritual lives, and the start of a new year is a wonderful opportunity to do so. By looking just a little deeper into ourselves, we can often find those things that are holding us back.  

A Guide to Making and Keeping Spiritual Resolutions

I Firmly Resolve has developed two outstanding (and free!) 7-day series to help boost your spiritual life and begin the year on the right foot.

These two series are I Firmly Resolve and Nunc Coepi: Now I Begin.  

Daily digital content—including text, a video with a priest, and an audio rosary along with other daily prayers—are included.

Here is what Good Catholic says about I Firmly Resolve

We don’t want a January change; we want a life change. A famous prayer, the Act of Contrition, leads us to say to God, “I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to amend my life ...” What shortcomings do you want to amend in your life? What do you firmly resolve in order to achieve this? It’s up to you.

One of the great truths of life is that where we’ve been is not what’s most important—it’s where we’re heading. Do you realize that the goal of your life has already been chosen for you, and it’s up to you to resolve to achieve it?

That is what the series I Firmly Resolve is about: helping you make a fresh beginning by aligning your life with the goal God has given you and placed within your grasp. Only then will you experience real transformation within yourself and in your relationship with Him. And you can do it, step-by-step, starting today.

Nunc Coepi

Good Catholic introduces Nunc Coepi this way:  

Nunc Coepi is the motto of the saints.  That's because the phrase “nunc coepi,” (noonk cheh'-pee) which means “now I begin,” perfectly encapsulates the call to a new life in Christ. These simple words hold the secret to consistent progress in the spiritual life. St. Francis of Assisi, St. Josemaría Escrivá, and Venerable Bruno Lanteri all show us the way to Christ through a ready willingness to start over. why we created this free series: Nunc Coepi: Now I Begin. We’ll help you learn how to start over and how to develop a mindset of constant growth in holiness. We’ll go over some of the things that prevent you from starting over in the spiritual life, including discouragement, pride, lukewarmness, shame, and lack of self-knowledge.

As St. Bernard of Clairvaux told us: “A saint is not someone who never sins, but one who sins less and less frequently and gets up more and more quickly.”  

How Does it Work?

By examining some of the common pitfalls that prevent us from starting afresh every day, we can better understand what to do about them. 

Both of's 7-day devotional courses are designed to help you begin again in your spiritual life, both now and in the future. These easy-to-use series offer tips on how to avoid the pitfalls we can so easily fall into.

Follow the words of St. Paul: “Put away the old self of your former way of life…and put on the new self, created in God’s way in righteousness and holiness of truth” (Ephesians 4:22-24). 

Don’t allow yourself to be discouraged. Listen to Christ’s call to begin again. 

For each of the seven days of these series, you will receive an email linking you to new daily content posted at You'll also have access to all seven sessions immediately, if you'd like to go at your own pace. You can repeat the series as often as you wish for one full year.

The fact is that growth in the spiritual life is not a once-and-done thing. We are constantly restarting or at least examining what we have done in the past and deciding how to do things differently in the future.  

That is part of what it means to live the Christian life. God gave us each new day to start afresh!

Join so many others who have participated in the free 7-day series' from Good Catholic. 

Are you willing to begin again? If so, sign up here and start now!
