December Birthstone (Turquoise) Rosaries - The Catholic Company®
Catholic Company / Magazine

December Birthstone (Turquoise) Rosaries

Dec 03, 2012 by

December Birthstone rosaryThe December birthstone is turquoise. The turquoise stone got its name from its introduction to the West from Turkey. Turquoise has a long history of being used throughout different civilizations. Turquoise is believed to have been mined as early as 6000 B.C. by Egyptians and is also thought to be one of the first stones to be used in jewelry. The stone was honored with powers of luck and protection during most of ancient history, and was worn by the ancient secular and biblical era kings and rulers.

This poem describes one of the gifts attributed to the December birthstone - victory:

“If cold December gave you birth

The month of snow and ice and mirth

Place on your hand a turquoise blue

Success will bless what’er you do.”

December Birthstone rosary will encourage the receiver to bring all his or her endeavors before the Lord, asking that His will be done in all things, and that He be the One ultimately given glory for any success. The rosary itself is a beautiful gift, and by adding the special touch of the December birthstone one can make the powerful gift even more cherished and loved by the recipient. The rosary is one of the most well known and powerful Catholic devotions, and makes a stunning gift to anyone whom wishes to fall more in love with Christ and with Mary, their spiritual Mother.

To learn more about Birthstone rosaries please view the Birthstone rosary guide. Birthstone rosaries are a great gift and the December Birthstone rosary could be the perfect gift for a loved one born in that precious month in which we celebrate our Lord’s birth.

This article has been updated and was originally published in December 2012. © The Catholic Company. All rights reserved.
